上外国交院青衿学术沙龙(第7期) :The effects ofsampling distribution on incidental learning of lexical tones by bilinguals


题:The effects ofsampling distribution on incidental learning of lexical tones by bilinguals

主讲人:严菡波 博士

评议人:高思畅 博士

时 间:202013日(周五)13:3014:30

地 点:虹口校区2号楼501




Previous research showed that compared tosingle-speaker stimuli and cue-manipulated synthesized stimuli input,multi-talker stimuli had an advantage in improving lexical tone categorizationin both corrective-feedback and incidental-learning environment. Studies of howsampling distribution influences lexical tone categorization in incidentallearning by bilinguals are limited. The current study replicated Liu et al.(2016) to examine how Portuguese-Cantonese bilinguals acquired Mandarin fourlexical tones in a video game. The stimuli in the game consisted of tone tokenswith both multi-talker stimuli (probabilistic-distribution) that wereoverlapped among tone categories and variance-manipulated stimuli(deterministic-distribution) that had no overlap among tone categories in termsof pitch height and pitch direction. Sixteen participants were exposed to thetwo sampling distributions respectively. Results showed that in contrast withthe learning outcome of native English speakers in previous study,Portuguese-Cantonese bilinguals in the variance-manipulated conditiongeneralized tone identification to new-talker stimuli better than those inmulti-talker condition did. Moreover, the bilinguals in thevariance-manipulated condition had a more nativelike cue-weighting inperception of Mandarin tones, and a higher production accuracy rate. Theresults are discussed in the dual-learning system framework (Maddox &Chandrasekaran, 2014; Roark & Holt, 2018) that the effect of samplingdistribution on lexical tone categorization may be language-specific.




主要研究领域为实验音系学、心理语言学及二语语音习得。曾多次在国际学术会议上宣读研究成果,论文散见于InternationalJournal of Chinese LinguisticsLanguage and Speech、《语言研究集刊》等国内外学术期刊。